The Complete Online Dating Username Guide:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Username Women Find Irresistible.
Who It’s For:
Are you a guy interested in meeting a great girl with online dating? If you want step-by-step info about how to use online dating to grow your dating life far beyond what it is now, read and apply.
• Why Your Username Is Important
• The Username Survey: What 10 Hot Girls Think
• A Case Study: Mike’s Before And After Username Results
• The Dating Username Formula: The 3 Rules To Creating An Irresistible Username
• 50 Awesome Usernames You Can Use – (Hottie Approved)
• Create Your Own Username
• Step 1: Brainstorming Keywords
• Step 2: Combining Keywords Into Usernames
• The Username Worksheet
• What’s Next?
• About the Author: Who Is This Radio Wright Guy Anyway?
• Resources
Are you sabotaging your online dating with a crappy username?
Like most guys, I didn’t put much thought into my username when I first
started with online dating. It didn’t seem that important. It’s just something I quickly
selected when I first signed up to the dating site.
But something was up. My results were terrible: No emails, No responses, No love.
Either online dating was bullsh** or I was missing something.
I started experimenting with each part of my online dating, starting with my
username, my photos, profile and last the emails. I worked and worked and worked.
I tried everything! Then, all of a sudden — BAM — something happened.
I figured it out—Synergy.
Synergy between my username + photos + profile + emails + phone calls + 1st dates
Synergy, in general, may be defined as two or more things working together to produce a kick-ass result not independently obtainable.
It’s just common sense when you think about it, I mean… you wouldn’t go on a date wearing swimming trunks, a dress shirt and boots right? You want everything matching, looking good & working together.
This synergy has made my dating life crazy awesome. Well, at least what I would consider awesome.
To go from not being able to get a date, to being able to attempt 150 Dates in 1 Year is a big difference.
And it all started with my username. So that’s where we’ll start and why I created The Complete Online Dating Username Guide: A Step By Step Guide For Creating Your Own Irresistible Username.
There’s an online epidemic of username suckyness going on that’s about to get cured for the Doc’s group of kick-ass gents. Read on…
Is your username really that important?
When a girl is browsing profiles or checking through her messages deciding
which guy to click on — there’s a problem. You’ve got one shot! First impressions are
brutal. Girls take about 3 seconds to decide to check you out or to move on to the
next guy.
Your username is one of the first things a girl sees online. If you email her, she’ll first
see your username, photo and subject line of your email. If she’s browsing profiles,
guess what she see’s? That’s right! She’ll see your username and photo.
Here is an example of what a girl sees when she’s searching – The username is right at the top.
I know, I know. You didn’t put much thought into your username — but it’s your first impression, so don’t sabotage your online dating with a bla username!
I surveyed 10 girls that use online dating and they all agreed. What girl in her right mind would want to date a guy with a username like this:
Note: Bad usernames are typical. Just take a look on any dating website for yourself
and you’ll see.
Natalie says: “When I’m window shopping for guys online, I pass over 99% of them. They have the most ridiculous photos and names. Just look at this guy – LoverBoy69 – he’s cute but that name… (She shakes her head and rolls her eyes in disappointment) I wouldn’t even look at his profile. And look at this – John116342, that’s so plain and what’s with all the numbers?
I don’t have time to look at every profile so I choose the one’s that stand out. There’s just something about a good name paired with a tasteful photo that makes me stop and notice, but most of the names guys use are terrible.”
Mike’s Before & After Username Results
Mike is a current student in the eDatingDoc Academy. He’s 28 years old 5’7” 140lbs. A normal guy getting into the dating scene.
I helped him get that synergy into his online dating I was talking about earlier. We started by changing his photos, profile and email exchanges so they work together. He began getting great results.
As an experiment, we saved his username for last, which as I mentioned before, along with your picture, is your first impression.
Mike is a marine, so we included a great photo of him in uniform. Okay gents, so let’s think and get creative! How can we tie being a Marine into his username in a way that women will find irresistible? Hmmm…
A Marine is the modern day Knight, so what better name than MikeInShiningArmor?! Using the positive association girls have with finding their Knight In Shining Armor.
When he changed his username from Mike4758 to MikeInShiningArmor, All hell broke loose!!!
Mike went from never getting a response online to totally filling up the Date Manager with phone numbers to dating beautiful women. Now that is what I mean by Synergy!
Ask These Guys & Gal
A performer (actor, singer or artist) will often take on a cooler stage name
because their real name is considered unattractive, boring, or difficult to
spell or pronounce. They also may choose a name to appeal to a specific
audience or an unusual name to grab attention.
A lot of creativity, time and money also goes into selecting the perfect name for a
character in a movie to appeal to a certain audience. A few kick-ass character names
are: Tyler Durden, Morpheus and Donnie Darko.
So is the power of a good usernames starting to sink?
And finally my favorite example: The Patagonian Toothfish.
What in the hell is that? It sounds like some prehistoric monster fish that evolved one long squirly bucktooth.
Who would want to eat that? Not me! Well not until some smart marketers decided to change the name to Chilean Seabass. Now that sounds tasty!
Restaurants could not give away the Patagonian Toothfish but the Chilean Seabass became super popular & is now being overfished.
All because of a simple snazzy name change.
And just like the Chilean Seabass with this workbook and about 15 minutes of brainstorming, you’ll be able to create an irresistible username that will have you on your way to being the most popular fish in the online dating sea.
1. Appeals to Women
2. Evokes Positive Associations
3. Unique, clear and easy to remember.
And how is that done?
I know it’s a little confusing but I’ll make it crystal clear with these detailed examples.
Rule #1 – Appeals to Women
When creating a username remember that it needs to appeal to women.
I recently saw a guy who’s internet dating username was BoneCrusher. What!!!?? Seriously, What girl will find that attractive?
Is he trying to hook up with MMA fighters?
This would be a great name for a wrestler that 13 year old boys would find awesome but — for women?
Ummm No!
Something I see all the time is guys adding a bunch of numbers after their name. Like Mike47586494. Mike! What are you doing? C-3po and R2-D2 from Star Wars will love that username!!!
Make sure it appeals to women not robots!!!
Tip: I advise against using your name in your username unless
it’s something that’s really witty like — MikeLikeAMint because
it can take away mystery.
Rule #2 – Evokes Positive Associations
What in the heck does this mean? Simply that your username should trigger a pleasant feeling for the girl. This creates a connection between those pleasant feelings and YOU.
To connect to these pleasant feelings, your username should be any combination of the following: Funny, Dorky, Tender, Subtly Romantic, Silly, Creative.
The key here is moderation. You don’t want to be too much of any one of these. Just a subtle touch is what you’re looking for.
For example: The username – FeelsLikeLOVE – is waaaay too romantic/mushy. If you were to use that, the girl will think you’re a boring pile of mush. But the username — feelslikeZOOM — is AWESOME because it still hints at that love/excitement feeling that a girl finds attractive without being to mushy.
So how can you connect to more of these good feelings?
What girl doesn’t like a guy with a sense of humor? A funny/dorky username is a great way to connect with her positive feelings.
Here are a few examples:
• BamboozledByPaperClips
• SmartyPants
• NerdyNinjaHugs
• LaughingMyAssOff
• LipsPotatoChips
Now let’s look at how to connect to romantic feelings without being too mushy. Some girls love romantic usernames and have wonderful feelings associated with fairytale relationships so let’s use some romantic cliches. Yes, I know, cliches aren’t the ideal, but if you give them a twist and make them your own: They can be, A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
Whoa!!!!! If your name happens to be Tom, I just thought of an irresistible username for you, and we’ll use this example so that you better understand my point about clichés.
A romantic cliché you can use is OnceUponaTime but change it to…. get ready for this…. OnceUponaTOM!!!!
That’s Romantic, Funny and Creative – triple awesome! Ok – Ok, whoever uses that, when you get your dream girl, you owe me big time!
Here are a couple more examples using romantic clichés with a twist:
• MikeInShiningArmor from the cliché Knight in Shining Armor.
• HappilyEverAdam from the cliché Happily Ever After.
On the other side of the coin, be sure to stay away from usernames that connect to negative feelings or can in anyway be interpreted in a bad way . Here are a few actual usernames I found online that project the wrong image. Some obvious and some not so obvious.
FeelsAwesome: Is he talking about sex already?
IReallyDoExist: Does he have low self-esteem?
SmallWood: Does this guy have a small penis?
JohnVice: Does this guy have a vice like a drug problem?
DemonWrath: Ummmm (you can draw your conclusion)
DaGift2Womens: Yo Yo, will dis gangsta ask her on a date den pop some caps?
The last example DaGift2Womens takes us to my final tip to evoke positive associations. Always use properly spelled words in your username. Don’t use shorthand texting abbreviations. You could come off like an uneducated dumbass or she may think the guy behind the profile has the maturity level of a 14 year old.
Here’s an example:
RUTha1 should be AreYouTheOne
Use the correct spelling Are not R
Use the correct spelling You not U
Use the correct spelling One not 1
Rule #3 – Unique, clear & easy to remember.
Using proper spelling and capitalization not only evokes positive associations as mentioned in Rule #2 but it also makes your username clear and easy to remember.
Because usernames can’t have spaces between the words, capital letters should be used to clearly separate words or to accentuate certain words.
Play around with the capitalization of your username to see what LOOKS the best.
Tip: Some dating sites like OkCupid allow the use
of dashes — in the username. This can also be a great
option for separating words.
Here’s an example of capitalization and spelling gone horribly wrong. Be my guest to email the guy and tell him his username sucks. I think he’s on OkCupid.
When I first saw this username I thought it said something about murder! NOT a good impression.
The word ur was used instead of the correct spelling your.
He also didn’t capitalize the correct letters to make it clear and visually appealing.
Just by making those few adjustments you get —ImYourDreamGuy— which looks and sounds much better than whoever he was gonna murder —Imurdreamguy—
This name still comes off a bit pompous but you see how properly using capitalization and spelling can make a name clear.
Using a rhyme is a great way to create a username that’s memorable. A rhyme just sticks with us. I still remember that damn freezer bag slogan — Don’t get mad, get GLAD.
Here are some username examples that rhyme:
• SocialSmocial
• RascalRoger
• NotASnobRob
• RazzleDazzle
• ElatedEric (This is an alliteration not a rhyme but you get the point)
Another way to create an appealing username is to use words with letters we rarely use and words with double letters etc.
Examples: Snazzy, Zoom, Zap, Sizzle, Ditto, Moxie
Contrasting is something else to take into account when creating a memorable username. And the contrast depends on you.
I helped Matt with his online dating. He’s purposefully dorky with good dork-o-rama style. He has a high quality dorky photo of himself. He used the dorky photo but used the contrasting username MaleSuperModel. This worked because of the funny contrast. If a good looking guy used this name, he’d come off way too full of himself and it would turn girls off.
Before you get started creating your own username, here are 50 keywords and 50 off-the-hook kick ass usernames I created, that you can use as your own or as a guide. Check them out.
I added the 50 dating username examples to the free dating profile kit along with the emotional “feel” analysis for each username.
Step #1 – Brainstorm Keywords (4 Minutes)
Let’s start off by creating a list of words that we’ll later combine to create your new
and unique username. To help get your creativity flowing, answer the 10 questions
listed below.
Take out a piece of paper and create two columns or use the username worksheet
on page 26 of the workbook in the free kit. Place your answers in the first column.
- What color are your eyes?
Example: Brown, Blue, Green - What’s your name?
Example: Mike, Eric, James - What are some words that rhyme with your name? (or an alliteration)
Example: ElatedEric is kinda like a rhyme (actually called an alliteration) - What’s your lucky number?
Example: (Spell it out – Seven instead of 7) - Name some sounds, also called onomatopoeia.
Example: Bang, Boom, Bam, Zap - Look around the room you’re in, write down some random items.
Example: Paperclips, Green Plant, Speakers, Sunglasses, Notebook, Eleven Books, Window - Think of cool words that you’ve seen that grab your attention.
Example: RazzleDazzle, Scoundrel, MonkeyBars - What do you enjoy, be really specific.
Example: Coffee, Blue Ink Pens, Smiling Eyes, Dessert First - Write a list of things a girl is looking for in a guy.
Example: Happy, Dependable, Smart, Affectionate - What are some clichés that appeal to girls?
Example: Knight in Shining Armor, Hero, Once Upon A Time
Other ways to get great keywords:
• Browse through a dictionary for words that look good visually.
• Grab a random book or magazine near you, look through it for words that stand out.
• Use
Now that you have some keywords in your list, use to get more ideas. Here is an example of some great words I found by looking up the synonyms of happy.
Some quick usernames using these keywords:
1. ElatedEric
2. UpbeatAdam
3. IamThrilled
Step #2 – Combine Keywords (3 Minutes)
Now start combining your keywords to form usernames. Write the combined keywords in column #2 of the worksheet, this is your username list.
Step out of the box. Don’t be afraid to be creative, wacky and humorous.
See this as a first draft so don’t hold back. Play some music and get to it!
Here’s my favorite.
Step #3 – The Final Step: Get Feedback!
Now you will have several usernames that are downright awesome. But there will be a couple that girls find irresistible. Hmmm, how to find out which username is the best? It’s time to get some feedback.
Girls love helping with relationships. So after you create your list of usernames, email them to a few of your girl friends. Ask them to pick the 5 usernames they like the most and the 5 they’re not too crazy about, and to explain why. You’ll get some great insight. All that’s left is to choose the one that rock’s the most.
Congratulations, that’s it, you’ve successfully learned what 99% of your online dating
competition doesn’t know.
Don’t take it from me, take a second to compare your new username with all the terrible usernames online.
I’ll wait….
See what I mean!
You’re on your way to kicking your online competition and getting the girl you want. Don’t stop now!
What’s Next?
Your new irresistible username is one part of the online dating puzzle. To create Online Dating Synergy you need to get all the parts working together.
For more rockin’ step-by-step information for meeting great girlfriend online check out:
About the Author
You’ve been reading the expert advice of Radio Wright. I’m known in gunslinger circles as the eDatingDoc — Online Dating Expert Extraordinaire. Teaching Online Dating BadAssNess ever since gun-slinging was outlawed and losing my brass-knuckles in a game of poker.
Thanks for taking the time to read the guide. I hope you get a lot out of it. If you have an extra second, I’d really like to know what you thought of the information or if you have any questions, so
that I can make this and the other guides even more bitchin’ for you.
Share your feedback and questions here in the comment section or if you’d rather reach me in private, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email.
Thanks again, and I wish you nothing less than success!
Radio Wright
Resources I mention in this guide:
Hey eDoc, I used your tips on creating a clever and catchy username. Thanks for the advice and inspiration!
I’m glad I could help and Congratulations!
You’re the 1st person to leave a comment here and as I promised in the Username Guide, the 1st 10 people that leave a comment get free one-on-one online dating coaching from yours truly! I’ll send you a private email to set things up.
Who’ll be next!?
I’m glad I could help and Congratulations!
You’re the 1st person to leave a comment here and as I promised in
the Username Guide, the 1st 10 people that leave a comment get free one-on-one online dating coaching from yours truly! I’ll send you a private email to set things up.
Who’ll be next!?
My male friend was wondering why his dating profile was getting no hits (this website does not show photos but rather matches people by similar interests, education, etc. I advised his username (his name + numbers) needed to go. I stumbled across your website by coincidence. I enjoyed it, your dead on!! I sent a link to your website to him. I think he’ll change his username after hearing it from you 🙂
Hi eDoc, I am 45 and just getting to on-line dating for the first time. Scared to death and excited all at once… I appreciate the simple logic that you provide as I agree that having a good username is a great opportunity to make a positive association. I have been trying to learn a little about the process before I jump in with both feet so that I get off on the right foot. This is good candid tutorial to help with the first step. Too many “eDating Advice” sites tell you to go to the gym more and be between this age and this. Not very useful to most of us. I am losing weight and working out but I didn’t need an “Expert” to tell me women are more attracted to attractive guys. I will ask a photographer friend to take some profile pictures. I will also try emailing some of my girl friends and getting feedback on my username, profile, etc… Simple Useful Advice – Thank you.
My next step is to sort out what I am looking for in a girl and how I want to represent myself… My concern is that millions of people on these sights have been eDating their whole lives or at least have more experience at it than me. Looking forward to it. Thaks again and good luck on your 150 dates! – Bob
How’s it going Bob!
I’m glad you liked the guide. 🙂 Tee 150 dates are going great. Congrats! You won the 2nd online dating coaching package. 8 more to give away!
45 is an awesome age for online dating btw. I’m about to show you how to get an awesome girl so get ready!
I’ll email you to set things up.
Hey Radio!
Just found this site last night. Really good material. I like how you break down what’s wrong with some usernames and how you give concrete examples of what would work better. And the dating challenge makes it that much more real since you’re giving out examples from experience vs a lot of hypothetical stuff you see out there. Keep it up!
Thanks a lot ErnDiggity. I appreciate the feedback. Yeah you have to watch out! There is a lot of bad online dating advice floating around the internet. I hope you’re ready because…….
You are the 3rd winner of Online Dating Coaching from me so get ready! 3 more coaching packages to give away. 🙂
Look for an email from me to set things up.
Thanks for posting this, Radio! I was doing some research this week-end on how to improve my online dating profile, and stumbled on your site. The guide is a great source of inspiration, and it really helps that you’re giving so many examples in there, both of what to do and what *not* to do. I’m going go fill out the worksheet from your guide, and look forward to more online dating success. I’m already getting some ideas… how about EmotionsInMotion? Or EcstaticElastic? Hmm, I’ll keep thinking… 🙂
Good luck with your challenge by the way. I’ll be watching for updates!
Glad you liked the guide!
I was reading those 2 username examples but I’m not a big fan of either.
EmotionsInMotion sounds like you may be overly emotional & EcstaticElastic gives the opposite feel of decisiveness which is huge for girls. They don’t want a guy that can’t make decisions.
Fill out the worksheet and you’ll find one.
You won the 4th Online Dating Coaching Package. 6 More to give away. Congratulations! 🙂
Hey Radio,
I’m just about ready to advance into the online dating world, but guess what’s holding me back? A good username! The guide was really helpful – I’ve travelled a decent amount – so I came up with 2 usernames – “Wanderlust” and “TravelAdaptor” (this one’s a tearable pun I think)
What do you think?
Howdy Ro-
I’m glad you liked the guide. Here are initial thoughts on the usernames you came up with. You can be pigeon-holed with the TravelAdaptor username. It tell me you like travel, that’s it. If you’re specifically looking for a girl that is REALLY into travel then that’s fine but it doesn’t really tell the girl anything other than that.
Wanderlust is better. A few things to watch out for with this username is that a girl may think you’re not stable which is big to most girls unless you’re going for younger party-type girls. I like that it has a dreamy feel to it and includes the word lust.
And btw YOU just won a free detailed video analysis of your complete profile for following the instructions at the end of the guide so I’ll send you an email to set that up. Get ready!!!!!!! 🙂
Hey eDoc, I really appreciate the help with the online profile examples. I’m new to the online dating world and honestly I havent had much luck yet. Untill I saw your examples, I couldnt figure out why I wasnt getting any respondses. Now I know its because I need to change my whole set up around. Its hard to figure out what to write and not write in my profile because 1, Im not bad looking, and 2 i do lead a pretty interesting life. Obviously I just suck at making profiles lol. I still need some help on organization and describing myself. Im going to keep working on it and hopefully change my luck soon! Thanks for all the info so far and hopefully I can keep learning. Joey
I’m glad the profile examples helped Joey.
Great article on dating usernames. It all makes so much sense!
Like most, my username on dating profiles have until this point been well….average! Time to change!
I’m really looking forward to reading your other articles and improving my online dating odds 🙂
Thanks Again,
Thanks Si
I’d like to see what you come up with for a new username.
And for your feedback, you’re won the 9th prize for online dating help. 1 more to give away.
Think I’m #8! Still offering the 1 on 1? I really like your site a lot and only wished I would have found it sooner as I started dating online (unsuccessfully) about a month ago then took a break as I met someone in person but it didn’t work out. Anyway, I’ve updated my profile and would love your input!
Thanks again!
Yo Alexander! You’re actually #10 – You didn’t leave an email address so you’ll have to contact me for your video analysis.
Chat soon-
Your guide is well written, well thought out, inciteful, and action oriented. Exactly what I need to get off my comfort chair and play with the land of possibilities. Thank you for the info and the efforts, they are greatly appreciated. Off to mash a couple hundred words together and see what comes through…
Thanks WhackaWhackaWOW!
Very Nice guide Edoc
I am going to use this guide definitely
Do you have any advice for women jumping into the online dating scene? It’s been quite some time for me and I keep attracting the wrong type of guys. I read your advice to the fellas and it was so on point.
I’m actually working on a women’s program because I see so many that are doing things wrong. It’ll be out in a few months.
Hey there! Do you have anything geared for women? The gals could use some guidance as well! 🙂
Great info, I’m looking forward to hearing more!
I’m working on it SweetButterfly.
Hey Radio,
It worked! I found 6 girls to check out 8 possible names for me. Two of the names were mentioned at the top for all 6 girls. The name? Tell you later. Don’t want to tip anyone else off yet. This is going great! It’s fun too!
I can’t wait to hear what this username is Garrett.
Hi Radio,
I have been online dating for about 9 weeks now with terrible results – only a couple of text conversations and definitely no dates.
I new something was up but didn’t know what was wrong let alone how to fix it. I found your site and instantly identified with the username issue. I read the article, watched the video and downloaded your workbook. I started the keyword brainstorming and couldn’t stop thinking about the two examples “Once Upon A Tom” and “Mike in Shining Armor”. I thought about the way most children’s stories end… and they lived happily ever after. From that I came up with the username “HowieEverAfter”. Howie is one of my nicknames.
I am still working on creating more to run by some chix for comment.
Man, I got serious respect for your username skills.
Even though I do Design, 3d and other artistic venues, my creativity is at a loss when it comes to words. I’m going to give coming up with a good username a few more day and hopefully I will stumble across something as cool as MikeInShiningArmor.
Hey Radio,
Great article!
I took a stab at it. What do you think of MatofhisWord? I consider myself to be a dependable person, so I tried to make a play on that.
Hey Radio Wright,
This is a great article, exactly what I was looking for.
I wish I could use my own name with something witty, but I’ve never heard of something witty with Kris.
Thanks for the good read.
Hey Radio Right. Thank you very much for your tips. I am 41 almost 42 years old trying to get back to life and dating. I had hardships, trials and some medical situations that took me out of life. I have now been in recovery for 5.5 years and I am an overcomer ready to get back to life and dating. I still have work to go though. I feel I missed out on some real prime years and I feel that 41 is old and not sure if I can get the type of women I am looking for. Will younger women like a guy who is 42 or older. I am glad I found your site and looking forward to a good future. God Bless!
I am thinking about trying the online dating world and found your guide to be extremely helpful, thank you! How does “SalsaLibra” sound? I’m a Libra and enjoy salsa dancing…