You’ll learn how to spend less time online & more time enjoying life with a BEAUTIFUL & COMPATIBLE GIRLFRIEND (before you get to the bottom of this page)
The eDatingDoc provides services that makes attracting your type of beautiful & compatible woman online easy. I get you off that online dating site and into a fun & fulfilling relationship…
You’re in the right place if you want to take control of your dating life and meet…
- A gorgeous girlfriend (on the inside & out)
- An amazing wife
- Or to just date around for a bit
To do that, we need to synergize all the parts of your online dating approach:
The Problem? None of us should have day-to-day experience summarizing our life into a little digital box to meet someone special and on top of that, dating has changed drastically over the last few years.
It only takes a woman a few seconds to get an impression of you and decide if you’re “just another average guy”. Have this happen and you’ll be forgotten.
It’s why most guys get terrible results — they all seem exactly the same,
less than average and B-O-R-I-N-G. Not here! I got brass knuckles and I’ll beat it into ya if I gotta.
Keep reading and pretty soon they’ll be calling you Clint DateWood or perhaps even
John WayneYerDone AdmiringMyNewGirlfriend. You get my point. There’s a lot of bitchin’ stuff here.
Wanna learn how to properly present yourself online & start getting dates this week? And not just any date, cowboy – we’re talking your type – the type you actually get excited about – and she gets super excited about you – we’re talking girlfriend/wife material.
(How do you know?) If you answer “yes” to any of these:
- I’m new to online dating and I want to get started on the right foot…
- I’m not getting responses from women that meet my standards, I refuse to settle…
- Been through a long or emotionally draining break-up, divorce or separation…
- I’m a little shy or just rusty and want more experiences with beautiful women.

- The eDatingDoc Academy
- Dating Profile Writing Service
- Free Dating Profile Analyzer Quiz
- Executive Services
My name is Radio Wright, Online Dating Expert
I’ll get right to the point…
When you’re an Online Dating Doctor you can’t afford to make a mistake. Someone could die, for pretend. I will always tell you like it is.
There’s the typical garbage advice like: Dating App cut & paste messages, take this pill to grow your penis, get rich & ripped muscular while you sit on the couch and do nothing.
Then there’s the real world advice that actually helps you get the dates with compatible women. I prefer the latter, don’t you?
- I’ve been assisting guys with online dating for over 5 years. I’ve figured out a thing or two.
- Coached over 800 online dating clients
- Who got over 4000 dates with great relationships created.
- Critiqued over 600 dating profiles including dating photos and messages.
- Wrote over 500 dating profiles
- Created the most succesful online dating training program for men – The eDatingDoc Academy
- Invited to New York to be a part of ABC NEW’S Online Dating Dream Team
- Awarded #1 Online Dating Coach in the World by PUA World Summit
It’s 10 pm on a Friday night and I’m buried in books at the library again.
This is how my first few years at the university go. I’m one of the top engineering students. Engineering was no problem, but when it came to women, fashion or social situations I had no clue.
I was straight off the farm (literally). One day I’m talking about girls with the guys… and one of them brings up some dating & relationship book. He explains a little about them, and a light bulb goes off.
“I can actually learn how to be more social and meet a great girlfriend? There are books on this stuff!? Now you’re talking my language!”
So I dive into the these dating & relationship books…
It sounds corny, I know, but I just needed some help to get a girlfriend. It was worth a shot. Being the good engineering student, I don’t just read about what to do. I go out and try it. I take things to the next level.
This leads me to an overall self-improvement mission. I work on everything. The way I walk. My posture. My voice. My style. My hair. I start working out and eating healthy. I graduate Valedictorian. I put myself in every possible social situation—especially if I notice it makes me nervous, or gets me out of my comfort zone. I randomly approach women to start conversations. I start talking to everyone. I turned into a big ole ray of sunshine!
And my confidence, dating and social life begin to grow.
But while going out to meet women helps a lot with my social skills, I’m not meeting the type of women I want – I wanted a great girlfriend. So I decide to add online dating to the mix.
Online Dating, here I come!
Now, I had used online dating before—but never like I was about to. You see, at first it wasn’t working out. Something was up. My results were terrible. No emails. No responses. No love.
Either online dating was bullshit… or I was missing something
So the same habit of breaking down complex systems that I learned in engineering, went into learning about the much simpler online dating. I put some high level work into figuring this thing out.
I started experimenting with each part of the online dating process, starting with my photos then my profile, and finally the emails. I worked and worked and worked. I tried everything! Then, all of a sudden—BAM! Something happened.
I figured out the “Synergy Secret”
You see, it isn’t any one thing that makes the difference in online dating. It’s everything working together. I only started to get real success when I figured out the synergy between my username + photos + profile + emails.
“Synergy” means two or more things working together to produce a kick-ass result that is more than just the sum of its parts.
It’s just common sense when you think about it. I mean, you wouldn’t go on a date wearing swimming trunks, a dress shirt and boots right? You want everything matching, looking good and working together.
This synergy made my dating life awesome.
Well, at least what I would consider awesome. To go from not being able to get a date, to having to attempting 150 dates in 1 year and connecting with my amazing girlfriend is…well, it’s a big difference!
Now, maybe you think I’m telling you this to show off. But actually it’s the exact opposite. I’m telling you this because I don’t think I’m smarter or better at this stuff than the most guys. Like you for example.
I just happened to have the background and time on my hands needed to figure online dating out.
But if I can make it work, I know you can too…
And I can say I know because I’ve been helping guys like you for the last 5 years. So I’ve figured out a thing or two. In fact, they call me the “eDating Doc” because I can quickly diagnose any online dating “ailment” and prescribe a simple, effective “cure”.
If you’re willing, and if you qualify, I’d like to teach you how to turn online dating from a frustrating dead end…into a high-speed motorway to great dates and an amazing relationship with a beautiful and compatible cutie pie!
If the nerdy engineering student could do it, you can too.
With the help of online dating, I overcame being extremely shy (seriously, if a cute girl said “Hi” to me I would turn beet red) — to becoming extremely social and meeting my amazing girlfriend.
Because…I actually used to get incredibly nervous when I was about to call a girl I met online. I’d turn on music to pump myself up before the call just so I could pick up the phone. Then I went on dates way overdressed. I really messed everything up completely at the beginning.
But the more I went on dates, the more it helped my confidence.
Here’s how my approach to online dating has helped me, my clients and how it can help you too…
- Self-confidence in myself and the way I look (I had low self esteem)
- No more frustration because women don’t email back — always start a conversation without trouble
- Feeling in control of social situations, instead of feeling awkward & never knowing what to do or say
- Not feeling nervous at all when calling a girl
- Being able to actually enjoy dates without being a bundle of nerves
- Not having to “settle” for the someone that doesn’t knock your socks off
This is what I want for you— and that is what eDatingDoc.com is about.
Let’s Rock & Roll!!!